The Light of Hope: Isaiah 9 and the Covenant of David | Josh Hale Sermon

Dec 1, 2024    Josh Hale

Josh emphasizes the significance of Christmas by discussing the prophecy of the Messiah's birth from Isaiah, highlighting how this child brings hope and light to those living in darkness. He elaborates on the concept of Advent, a tradition that focuses on the coming of Christ, and reassures the congregation that Jesus fulfills numerous Old Testament prophecies, confirming His identity as the promised Savior.


Isaiah 9:2-7, Isaiah 7:14, Micah 5:2, Ezekiel 37:24, 2 Samuel 7:14, Psalm 2:7, Genesis 3:15, Luke 1:76-79, John 1:6-9, Judges 6-7, Luke 1:31-33, Romans 15:8-13, 1 Thessalonians 5:8-10