"We're a family, and nothing is more important than family. We work together, we help each other, and we make personal sacrifices for the good of the family."
- Allen Nolan
Children's Church at Cornerstone Fellowship

Creative Bible Teaching
We are passionate about children learning about Jesus in a way they understand so we provide age-appropriate environments for each classroom. We strive to bring Bible stories to life through activities and discussions that keep children engaged. We believe church should be fun!
Safety is one of our top priorities, so hallways and classrooms are monitored with security personnel and cameras. Every volunteer is screened with an interview and federal background check before serving in our classrooms.

First time at Cornerstone?
We have a special check in for new families, and it just takes a couple of minutes to register your child. We will ask for the following personal information: family members' names, child's name and birthdate, family address, phone number and any special instructions (allergies, special needs) for your child.
Infants - Middle School, Sundays at 10:00am CST
Use the Church Center app to check in your kids before you arrive!
Scan your phone at the check in kiosk to receive your labels.
CORE VALUE 1: Every person has a right to a presentation of the gospel at his or her level of understanding.
Children grow at a fast rate - and so does their understanding of the world. That's why we place great value in giving them an appropriate environment to learn about God on a level that's best for them.