God Is More Than Our Provider: Jesus Feeds the 5,000 | Josh Hale Sermon

Dec 29, 2024    Josh Hale

In his sermon, Pastor Josh explores the miracle of Jesus feeding the 5,000, highlighting themes of faith, submission, and God's provision. He notes that just like the disciples questioned how they could feed such a large crowd, believers often struggle to trust God with their circumstances. The narrative emphasizes that God uses what we have, no matter how small, for His greater purposes and that He is not only our provider but also our sustainer. Ultimately, Pastor stresses that in the new year, our greatest need is not material but a deeper relationship with Jesus, the true bread of life.


Matthew 14:13-21, John 6:1-14, 2 Kings 4:42-44, Exodus 16:35, Deuteronomy 18:15-18, Hebrews 3:1-19